Wednesday, March 26, 2014

One of my all time favorite commercials

My last post (Not the Last Post) from my old blog

As this is my last rotation Yemen I thought I would look back to see if I could figure out some key numbers or at least here are some estimates: 
The numbers: 
7.8 – Years that I spent in Yemen 

47-Rotations to Yemen 

2 - B2B’s (Back to Backs) 

2 – B2B’s with Belgian Roots 

0 - How many people I knew with Belgian roots before Marty and Dan 

9 - Direct Bosses 

4 - Places stayed with Nexen Ops in Yemen 

1 – Time pissed drunk in Dubai 

2 - Times pissed drunk in Yemen 

60+ - Countries visited 

7 - Continents visited 

1 – Time that I quit and worked in Cuba 

3 - Months I worked in Cuba 

20 – Hours a day I worked in Cuba 

1 – Time I took a flying leap and landed on Bill Davis’s back 

523+++ - Places visited 

2 - Weddings attended 
(Cameroon and Philippines)
2 – Previous times I said goodbye 

188 - Flights taken 

1 - Time I was nervous 

5 - Airbus 380 flights 

101 - Airports seen 

1 - Times I thought I might die 

5 - Times I slept in an airport 

757,000 - Km’s flown 

98 - Hostels stayed in 

2 - Times I met up with Eric 

3 - Times I met up with Ed 

6 - Times I met up with Denise 

3 - Times I met up with Jack 

1mm++ -Air miles earned 

1 - Foreign properties purchased 

3 - Contemplated foreign properties 

3 - Promotions with Nexen 

3 - Terrorist’s attacks 

1 - Gut wrenching food poisoning 

2 - Travel bugs (the kind the live in your intestine) 
1 - Monkey roughing up Ed 

4- Back packs worn out 

1 – Times that I was mugged, peppered sprayed and beat up 

4650 – Pictures on my travel blog 

165 – Stories on my travel blog 
100% - the time that I enjoyed my job, experience and working with Yemenis (and all the other expats) 
100% Bull shit per above

Millions - Of Ladies Loves

Sunday, March 23, 2014

May you be in Heaven…

When the Irish Pub is closed on March 17th it is a sign from God that I should not be drinking but I don’t believe in God and there was another pub around the corner.

Actually, with the Nicaraguans we ended up in the German bar with American jazz music but still managed to make a go of it. I made the paper once again, details are sketchy but I think I went on a rant about getting the Chinese out of Tibet.

Not a SPD for the ages but still a good time.

Friday, March 14, 2014

While killing time in the Vienna airport I thought it would be a good time to talk about my last trip to Nicaragua. Baseball to Nicaragua is what hockey is to Canada but we are better at hockey then they are are baseball but that really doesn't matter for the purpose of these story.

It was the final of the Sr. Men's division with the local city in the final taking on big, bad and better funded Managua. Better funded meaning they are not using homemade bats like Fred Flintstone. Rivas, if you really want to get involved in this story was up 2-1 and another home game. There was about 15 of us want and we paid the scalper prices of 5.00 USD which is highway robbery but we got it.

So much noise, chaos but in a fun sort of way. I was the designated driver and thus the designated bore. But the game was great, a complete blow out by Rivas and a final score of 17-3. Almost everyone I went with was drunk. One of the things I like about baseball in Nicaragua is that instead of hotdogs they serve cerviche.

So with everyone else drunk I was keeping track of everything that was spilt on me. It included but is not limited to

baby barf
catsup (why the hell is it spelled like that)
ice (but that is really water)

The next Rivas won again and won the championship for the first time in 33 years.

So mystic and soulful.

Of Vienna's 1.8 million people and its current visitors I am the only one that does not smoke. A very regal city that gave birth to the Waltz, S&M, and the chain smoker.

I think this is my third time here and it is only an overnight for a connecting flight but I did go downtown. But downtown is about 8000 miles from the airport so I basically took a train to Japan and back for the sake of a beer.

I don't drink coffee because I don't like the taste or the smell which I think is a pretty good reason. Now I can add a third reason. I can't afford it, fecks sake. It cost more than a college education here.

But Vienna in all of its splendid glory is a grand city but I can't blog anymore,   I need to remove the barbwire from my....
