Thursday, January 22, 2015

Esos hijos de puta en España son para quemar en el infierno , pero les gusta la inquisición

I have to take pictures with my iPhone because some Spanish fucker stole my bag with my camera in it. Sorry that was crass and crude. I don’t know if he or she was from Spain so some fucker in Spain stole my bag with my camera and other crap in it. Nothing too valuable but that does not negate the need for the aforementioned fuckers to burn in hell. The below pictures are from Malaga and that is me playing the guitar. The bike is my sexy bike that I managed to take from Nicaragua and it cost about 4 billion dollars (USD) to get to Spain where thus far no fuckers have stolen it. 

I thought the picture of the priest was batman for some reason. The dog, no reason, too lazy to delete picture. 


Rot Grün

I am reasonably sure that Red Green works for Airbus. I think the Airbus 380 has been in production since 2005 so I would think regular maintenance would be in order. I am a bit worried to take another flight however as they fix everything with duct tape. I am not making this up. The console was falling apart and sure enough they help it together with duct tape. Red Green would be so proud. Not sure about any engine issues but bale wire and chewing gum might work. Yeah Lufthansa.