Friday, November 13, 2015

Europe 2015

The G Boys (that is what I call my research team at Google) tell me that Istanbul is not even in the top 10 noisiest cities in the world but I think that changes every time that I am there.  I often transit through there on my off hitch so I have been there a few times in the last 2 years and no matter where I stay there seems to be enough noise to make a marching band envious.  There were a lot of fireworks this time as well and with the world so jittery with terrorists attacks and especially in Turkey not sure if this is a great idea.

Thanks to a colossal fuck up by Europe’s best airline I missed a connecting flight to Malaga, Spain and had to overnight in Istanbul. Not the worst thing in the world but a pain in the arse. I felt bad for the other travelers where missing the flights and the increased visa, taxi and hotel costs would been a bigger issue for them.


Spain was busy this time but I had to get some things done for my condo and work was also busy but I did manage to go to Alhama de Granada which is a funky little town outside Granada. Lots of charm with its medieval grid, great food and a Roman bridge dating back to the 1 Century. What have the Romans ever given us… Bridges. Right Reg.


Great weather here in mid-November. I didn’t come to Sicily for any particular reason other than it is one of the warmest spots in Europe this time of year. A fondness of Italian food, wine and I enjoy hearing the Italians talk I thought why not. I will meet up with Denise later on today so I am sure the drinking will stop then.

From what I have seen so far there is an unvarnished charm to the place. With Piazza Del Duomo being the main square. The fish market and outdoor market was great. Of course I have no fecking idea what they are yelling about but I am guessing that their fish is the freshest and best value.  I suspect Denise will enjoy so will probably go back tomorrow.  All the food and wine have been good so far but not great. I will search for great tonight. I cannot find any craft beer so far the national brands are pretty ordinary  but I am a uppity little prick when it comes to beer so please don’t take offense Sicily and in particular Mob run crappy beer producers.

Speaking of Costa Nostra (Our thing) apparently they are still here despite government crackdowns. Not something I would ask to many questions about it but I would not be surprised if the hotel I am staying in had to pay the “pizzo”.  They are shops that advertise as AuddioPizzo or Goodbye Payments and their way of telling the Honored Society to fuck off.
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16th Century Fountain


Fish Market in Cantania

Weird Fish 

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