Sunday, September 25, 2016

If I had any hard currency I would buy you a drink

Rained like a mothershutyomouth last night. There has been a prolonged drought so it is ultimately a good thing so no fecking complaining. I had to get up at five to make the flight to Managua so I woke up at three and couldn’t get back to sleep. Currently 5 hours to kill in the Panama City airport before we fly to Havana.

Feck this airport is expensive. 30 dollars for a few things. I thought I was in Tokyo. After freezing our arses off in the airport we made it to Cuba. Typical delays with Margarita traveling on a Colombian passport. Last ones through again but not really any issues. I brought a ton of stuff down for the locals so I was concerned about customs but no issues.
As we were waiting to get our bags my friend  Brad’s flight arrived so we went through customs and got a taxi together. Great seeing Brad. So great in fact that the two light drinkers stayed up to 6 in the morning drinking rum.

A little foggy the next day but not too bad. Margarita loves salsa music, Brad loves rum and cigars and well Frankieboy just fecking loves the world. I worked in Cuba for 4 months a few years ago and I have already seen more of Cuba in 2 days than I did in 4 months.

Walked around a lot, saw Revolution Square, Museum, the ubiquitous vintage cars and the music every two feet. First two days have  been great.

Music seems to be everywhere here but not sure what is good and what is bad. All sounds good to me. Margarita knows a lot about Salsa music so we will venture out to find some good spots tonight.
Lots of Rigatoni music (if that is how you spell it but I am here to dance not spell). We took a long taxi ride, steep cover charge for here but it was a good night and a very late one for me. I think we got home at 4 in the morning. 

I met up with a chap I use to work with last night. He took us around to some local spots and had a great local dinner. I had chicken and pork for the first time in so many years. Both were good but I don’t think it will turn me into a meat eater again.

Very friendly locals here and everyone seems to be hustling with something to make a few extra dollars. Edel whom I worked with here years ago said life has gotten better but not that great. The stupid fecking embargo (are you reading this Obama) still has a crippling effect on the economy.
Havana is as I remember it, old, a bit crumbling down and immensely charming. I guess that same way I would describe myself. Vintage cars, impressive architecture, vibrant and many sexy women.
Not sure what it is but the three of us seem to be tired all the time. Besides the heat I think it is the constant noise near the hotel and we don’t sleep at night.

The good is good here but I think it is widely held that you don’t come to Cuba for the food. I ate pork for the first time in 10 years and ate a bit of chicken. My reward is the flu.
People seem to be hustling here all the time with taxis, vintage car tours and family restaurants. Not that bad all in all.

Now at the airport waiting for a flight to Panama-Amsterdam-Dubai and then the drive to AD. I arrive at about midnight and will be at work the next day for 8. First week is always a grind with jetlag but beats a real job.

Margarita and Brad were excellent traveling companions. Both are easy going and just go with the flow. It was great seeing Brad again and see his passion for cigars.

I didn’t think banking through Abu Dhabi and Jersey would be an issue but I thought wrong. We basically ran out of money to the point I was counting change. I felt like a 19 year old packpacker. Had to be very aware of prices and had to find the cheapest food possible. Large price discrepancy here but overall not a big deal.

Finally, I learned the hard way that not every Cuban is familiar with Razor Ramone. I would ask if they knew where he was and they would say feck off Gringo. Then I would get pissed off and flick my toothpick at them.

This picture is illegal

Brad the Revolutionary