Saturday, May 20, 2017

More Flights, More Airports, More Travel, More Fun



This is longest that I have spent in Nicaragua since 2012 and it was a great time. I wasn’t really jet lagged  (surprisingly) but pretty lazy to start off. Took me for ever to get some work done around the house.

Weather was great to start but starting to get hot towards the end of February.

Nothing really exciting other than the highway from the border with Costa Rica is under construction. That should be good for tourism and development but could risk our private little paradise becoming too popular. But if it is good for the locals that is the important thing.

I guess the other thing of notice is that I am the proud father of a bouncing baby Cow that is pregnant. Actually I am half owner. I put up the cash and my friend does all the work. I am not a good cattleman. I absolutely insisted that the cow and eventually calve be treated humanely and no abuse. Profits go down because of this but I don’t care. I more or less didn’t to help my friend and will just buy more when we sell. The cows are free range until they meet their bovine maker so I could buy into that.

I am currently Managua and will fly a bizarre way to get to Medellin that takes two days but if I am retired I need to change my spending habits. Being that I have time on my hands I decided to do it this way.

I will start Spanish lessons when I get settled into Medellin.


March to April 2017

Well if this is retirement it works for me. I am reading a lot biking a lot, I lost some weigh, eating well and sleeping whenever I want.

The first week or so was getting caught up on some work and getting settled here can be time consuming which I still working on after 6 weeks here. The most impressive thing is I managed to pass my Colombian drivers license.

May 2017

I was hoping for nice weather in May but I think that a bit too much. Toronto was cold and wet and then transitioned to wet and cold. No worries, I went to see my and family. And that would be Allan Macho Man Randy Soupster Macho King Savage to you. Always great seeing them. Allan is always busy with work and family but we still managed to get out and do a few things. Including seeing some guy fall and split his head open in a neighbor hood bar.

Nova Scotia
May 2017

Good thing the weather improved to be very wet and very cold but it was really nice for one day. In Cape Breton I a lot of cooking, and playing 45 which is more a less a local card game with random rules but a lot of fun and I have been playing this sense I was very young. I suck at the game but did manage to win the grand prize of 80 dollars when night and that was basically used to buy Tony’s Donair for 5 in Halifax.

My mother is extremely old and losing her faculties so it is great to see her before my youngest sister decides to put her in a home.

I saw my 92 year aunt who was a war vet and my 90 year old uncle. Both are sharp with a great sense of humor. Might have been 40 years sense I have seen them last.

For shame but the bad eating habits that I had while I vacation. Not sure you can even go on a vacation when you are retired but I think I did.

My three nieces, 1 nephew and myself with to Lunenberg, Peggy’s Cover and Halifax for a couple of days and amazing scenery but I think the best part of the trip was going to Tony’s Donair.

Now I am on my way to Texas for a week and then back to Colombia.


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