Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sometimes I cry in my dreams, and I wake up because my pillow is sopping wet. Was I sobbing in my sleep? Hardly. But I was drooling.

I am looking at a map of Europe, I have been as far south as Crete, Greece, as far west as some small fishing village in Portugal, as far north as the Arctic Circle and as far East as Moscow but if we want to stick to one of those non fucked up nations that straddle both Europe and Asia we can say Moldova and I have been many places in between. So now I would like to talk about the complex geo political, socio economic fabric and the headwinds that Europe encounters for a brighter future.

I believe Europe’s problems begin and end with their pillows. Under the best conditions I am a neurotic sleeper. Basically, I thrash around like a beached dolphin and wake up about 4000 times a night. I like a pillow as hard as… (you can fill that in) and European pillows are basically one sock in a pillow case so I spend about 3 hours trying to fold it over and over to increase the density to that of at least a dust bunny. By the end of I am stopping on it to get that last fold. But alas and alack, I should be in Brussels soon enough and will bring this up at the EU. Wow, a second Nobel Prize for Little Frankie.
Shine a light

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